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Jóna Guðbjörg Torfadóttir29. desember 2022


Tvær íslenskar skáldsögur og báðar eftir konur rata á listann World Literature Today's 75 Notable Translations of 2022  sem athyglisverðustu ensku þýðingarnar á árinu sem er að líða. Annars vegar er það skáldsagan Karitas án titils eftir Kristínu Marju Baldursdóttur, sem fær titilinn Karitas Untitled í þýðingu Philip Roughton, og hins vegar Stóri skjálfti eftir Auði Jónsdóttur, sem nefnist Quak í þýðingu Meg Matich.

Um Karitas án titils segir m.a.:

Baldursdóttir’s brilliance lies in the enigmatic and the implicit. A reader unaccustomed to Icelandic fiction might describe her work as magical realism, for elves, ghosts, and tall tales haunt the dark corners of the book. Undeveloped erotics linger around the edges, too: a cigarette-smoking girl from Reykjavík, a mysteriously disappearing blue milk jug, a man who comes to Karitas only in dreams. 

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Um Stóra skjálfta kemur m.a. þetta fram:

Quake is an unflinching exploration of the human instinct to forget and deny trauma, as well as the power of mindful forgiveness; in this way, it is a thrillingly contemporary perspective on the choices we make, conscious and unconscious, that give our futures their shape.

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